Tuesday, December 10, 2013

These Are a Few of My (Oprah's) Favorite Things || 2013 Gift Guide Part 1

If you're like me, shopping for holiday (or any-day) gifts is the most stressful part of your holiday routine. Who do I get what? Wait I got him that last year. Well it's nice so maybe...shit. It's an unpleasant experience that occurs during what should be the most wonderful time of the year. Over the last few months, I've made a conscious effort to perfect my gift choosing skills down to a science, and while I'm still in the novice stages, I must say that I have made some excellent finds. The gift guide series is my way of giving thanks to the ghosts of Christmas past and present, who have so diligently helped me hone my once closeted skills. If that made sense, please, read on. Each post will feature a few of my (Oprah's) favorite things, but if you don't find just what you're looking for... ha ha let's be real, of course you will. But if you don't, don't give up! The sites that these products come from have lots of cool gifts, and this post represents about .093% of them. Search and explore, and you're sure to find more awesome gift ideas.

For the Crafty Chic Girl
For the Happy Couple

For the Bottle Popper 

For the Sporty Spice

For the Instagrammer

Monday, November 18, 2013


    Theme of the day: get your happy on. #wordstoliveby

I Don't Know What the F*** I'm Doing

Sometimes I feel like, in the simplest terms, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. And I know that I'm not alone, because everywhere I turn I'm faced with other twenty-somethings who are also proclaiming "what the fuckk?!" (Try saying that again in a sing-songy voice. It's more effective.) I've come to the conclusion that this is just a confusing time. I'm graduating from college in a month, I'm applying to jobs like an insane person, so many, I might add, that when I get a call from someone telling me that they "saw that I recently submitted my resume online," I have to stop myself from saying, "Really, because I'm pretty sure I've never heard of your company in my life." I'm in the awkward "I want to move out but I don't know if I'm ready and can I really afford this right now?" phase, and to top it all off, I have this damn blog that now feels more like a hamster that I just had to have 3 weeks ago, and now can barely remember to feed in the morning. Don't get me wrong; I love it, It's just so damn needy and I don't have the energy for that right now. So what do I do? What do you do? What do you do when you don't know what the fuck you're doing? Do you meditate, cry, take a nap, watch Corgi videos? I would try to write a conclusion sentence, but keeping with the theme of this post... no.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dear Halloween, We're Not Ready Yet

For me, Halloween represents a number of things. First off, it is my favorite holiday. Secondly, I don't know why, because every single year for the past forever, I've had the same problem. I come up with one partially thought through idea that has great growth potential, but before I can even think it through ideas 2 through 297 simultaneously enter my brain. And it's not even like they enter in an orderly fashion. They all try to squeeze through the same damn door until eventually there's just so much energy that they're forced through. But they don't simmer down once they're in; they bounce around like a bunch of hyperactive children for the next 3 months. And then it's January. And then I choose a costume. But besides the fantasy of having a sensational costume, there is so much more to love about Halloween. For example, the candy, the treats, the decorations, das haunted haus, the TV specials, the pumpkin patch, the hay rides, the parties, and seeing dogs dressed as various meats and historical figures. But if you're like me, don't let the simple fact that you suffer from an undiagnosed undocumented condition called Adrenal Gland Hyperactivity Syndrome hold you down. You may have been unable to confirm an awesome costume with your brain thus far, but that doesn't mean you can't have the best Halloween costume ever. There's still time. Don't lose hope. Pinterest is here to help. Pinterest Saves Halloween

Friday, October 18, 2013

How Much is This "Degree" of Mine Reallyy Worth?

Recently, I got to thinking, and in my thinking I came to the conclusion that it's time I make more money. It's time that my skills are worth more than less than $10 an hour. Then it hit me: I'm graduating from college in two months. And what does that mean, my friends? That means that in the blink of an eye and the step of a foot across a stage and the placing of a rolled up piece of non-drug related paper in my hands, all of my skills and opinions will suddenly be worth significantly more than they were 17 seconds before when I did not have this official declaration of knowledge attained. And that, is an empowering realization. Because I know how this works. They say you need to earn a degree to get a good job, so you get one, then they tell you that you still aren't qualified for any positions at a real person company, so you just stare at them like what the fuck? It all makes a lot of sense, really. But I can't be upset, because at the very least, in the final semester of the last year of my four year term as undergrad, I have learned that my degree is worth a minimum of $3 more per hour at my current job. I calculated this value by using a very simple formula that involves thinking of an arbitrary number, and presenting it to your boss while simultaneously asserting your position as college graduate and heavily implying that denial of a pay increase will result in your suggesting a lower number. It's all politics. And since I'm bad at both lying and negotiating, I should go very far.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Body, Mind, and a Nice Behind

This is part of a new thing I'm doing where I post things more frequently. It's called being consistent, and I hope you like it. Recently over the past decade I've been getting really into body/mind peace. Hippie shit, but with bras, and a little less granola. I used to direct most of my fitness efforts towards physical fitness, getting a nice ass and what not, but at some point after dealing with (and putting myself through) years of anxiety and stress at the hands of my schizophrenic serotonin levels, I realized that the health of my mind is just as important as the health of my ass body. And since that realization, I have come to a beautiful place. And no, bitties, that place does not involve scenic views or ocean breezes. No breakfast in bed, or thoroughbred ponies. That place involves a few billion neurons, a hippopotathalamus, and some very squishy gray stuff. That place, bitties, is my brain. And guess what? You've got one too. Which means that you, too, have a 24/7 fast past to the happiest place on earth. And no, I am not high right now.

One technique that I'm slowly and not so surely getting into is yoga, and although it can be frustrating, unpleasant, and all around painful, it can also be very calming when you know your limits. For example, I am, and always will be, a yoga beginner. I don't want to lift a full grown man using only the strength of my big toe, I just want to touch my big toe without breaking my back. So imagine my joy when I happened to find this amazing bunny [morning] yoga sequence on Pinterest! It's perfect for beginners, it's a great way to stretch and reenergize after a workout, and all the moves are diagramed by a sassy bunny guru.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Things They Don't Teach You In School

With the end of my academic career quickly approaching, I've been forced to think about things that never seemed like real threats to my survival until this moment. For example, finding a real job, moving out of my parents' house, paying taxes, buying groceries, finding a reliable dog breeder, being able to purchase both cable and high speed internet at an affordable price, and whether or not I should invest in a landline, to name a few. And as would follow suit, these thoughts lead to questions such as, "WHY HAVEN'T I LEARNED ANYTHING USEFUL IN THE PAST 16 PLUS YEARS THAT I HAVE BEEN IN SCHOOL? end quote. This question has been steadily buzzing in the back of my mind since sophomore year of high school when I realized that I had been learning the same thing in different classes for the past 10 years, and has reached a fiery boil in recent weeks. We spend years stressing over tests and quizzes and homework and exams on topics that we forget 20 seconds or less after leaving the classroom, and are somehow expected to go on to become productive members of society. Well, I can't very well be a productive member of society if I have a degree in Animal Science but am currently burning down a row of townhomes because no one ever taught me how to properly broil asparagus, now can I? And if it's too much of a stretch to expect educators to spend just a few minutes a week educating students on basic skills such as broiling vegetables and putting out small kitchen fires, what about the hundred and twenty seven other things that could benefit us more than knowing how the American Revolution ended? (Britain still has a queen, so obviously they won.) How about teaching us how to file our own taxes correctly so that we don't have to pay someone to fix it for us when we screw it up? What about teaching us negotiating skills so that we can convince the friendly Jeep salesman that we deserve that brand new Wrangler for $22,050 instead of $33,000? Or how about actually teaching students to hablar espaƱol? Like with the slang and stuff. Don't get me wrong, school is great and I'm so grateful that I've been given the opportunity to go, but after a certain point it's like, okay, that's enough of the fluff. I'm teaching myself things now that I wish someone smarter than me had taught me in high school. For free. If you are one of the 4% whose education has left them feeling completely prepared for living productively, please comment with all details of your educational history including schools attended, as well as names and phone numbers of all teachers, advisors, and mentors. And to those, like myself, who need a little extra boost: godspeed. But guess what, even if you do wind up burning your neighbor's house down, you'll survive. And so will your neighbor.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to Solve 101 Everyday Fashion Problems

Aloha Bitties. I just happened upon this post from a fellow Pinner and really wanted to share it. It has a MILLION and one (actually one hundred and one) tips on EVERYTHING (actually just some things) you could want or need to know about fashion fixes. This nifty little blessing of a list has tips on everything from how to get lipstick stains out of your clothes, to how to prevent icky yellow sweat stains from appearing on your white tees. Check it out. Share the love. Knowledge is power. The Fashion Fairy Godmother

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Working Bittie Blues

Bitties gotta work, cause bitties gotta shop. And eat. Cupcakes.

In my 3 years as a part time professional, I've learned that work is a lot like spiders: awful. And like spiders, work is the thing that most people [with jobs] try to avoid. I always feel terrible for dogging on work because it really is, excuse my French, such a blessing to have a job. So many people search and search for jobs, and have such trouble finding them. People who really need jobs, too! People like young parents and "we bought a zoo" types. I mean, who can blame anyone for wanting a job? They make the world go round. And besides that, having a job gives you financial freedom and a sense of responsibility. It creates good work ethic and provides an excuse not to sleep all day. It gives you money to blow on b*tches and dope. Not only that, but having a job can really put things in perspective. There's a point in my work day when I start to really resent being there, and that point comes 15 minutes before I arrive. While I'm sitting there waiting for the day to hurry up and end so that I can go do more important things, like nothing, I'm always wondering how I could make my job more enjoyable. I don't want to complain about work. I don't want to be ungrateful. So until the day when I own my own business or have a career that I truly love, I'm going to have to suck it up, and stay on my grind. And for that reason, I've come up with a list of ways to make the work day more enjoyable.

1. Pack a lunch you can look forward to:: This is a big one, you guys. No one gets more excited about eating than a working girl, and no one is more bummed about lunch than someone with a sucky one. If you're really into salad, like myself, pack one that's full of yummy, fresh, crunchy things. Load on the baby corn! Or perhaps you'd prefer some juicy pears. Or how about some fresh strawberries and feta? Or bacon and sliced egg? If salad's not your thing, try a yummy sub made with fresh sliced deli meat. And if you have a sweet tooth, you mustn't forget dessert. A tub of ice cream will usually satisfy that sweet craving.

2. Get up early:: I've found that I resent work 10x more when I have to get up, get ready, and rush out the door. Set your alarm so that you have 30 minutes to an hour to just lay in bed and relax. Give your body and mind a chance to wake up before heading out the door and trying to be productive. There are few things worse than trying to be a real person at work when 30 minutes ago you were dreaming of being eaten by whale sharks.

3. Work out before work:: This one works extra well with the previous tip. Get up early, get a nice workout in, and take some time to just be with yo bittie self. I wish I did this one more, but when I do get the chance I don't like to do anything too strenuous: an easy run and a walk around the neighborhood with my loving puppy, or a half an hour yoga sequence from one of the workout DVDs that we have around the house. It might not be much, but I've noticed a big difference in my mood at work when I be workin on my fitness before gittin on my grind. Sometimes I even find myself smiling.

4. Make your workspace comfy:: One of the great things about my office is that there's a sofa, and I have a laptop. When I get tired of sitting in a stuffy office, I move by butt on over to that sofa and have a nice fluffy seat. But even if you don't have a sofa in your office, that doesn't mean you can't create a comfy workspace. Got an uncomfortable desk chair? Get a seat cushion! Marshall's always has a pretty good selection of seat cushions, and in the spring and summer they come in bright colors and patterns. If you really want to get fancy, try Pottery Barn or Pottery Barn Teen. If your butt isn't your main concern, make a floral arrangement to brighten up your office. And don't forget about lighting! One thing that can really bum people out in the office is bad lighting, so if you have the ability, open the blinds to let in some natural light! And if not, consider purchasing a few natural light light bulbs. We have them all over our house now, and you can really see a difference.

5. Split up your day:: Occasionally I have to work weird hours, like 10:30-6:30 or 10:30-7:00, and when that happens, I like to take a break 3 or 3 1/2  hours before I leave for the day. Sometimes it's hard to work 5 hours straight, but if you think you can do it I highly recommend it. It's a great feeling to go on lunch, come back to work, and only have 2 hours left to be productive. Plus taking a break later in the day gives you something to look forward to for the first 5 hours, and by that time your Facebook notifications and Instagram likes are sure to have reached an agreeable number.

I can't tell you what to do, but try all of these tips. Just kidding, but honestly, these teensy tricks have really helped me on the days that just seem to take forever. I don't know what the rest of the world does, but I guarantee that at least 7 people have ideas that are 100x better than these, so if you're one of those 7 people, please, don't be selfish! Share your tips, for the good of you, me, and working bitties everywhere.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Health & Beauty: Get Some Sleep, Girl!

I think it's safe to say that between 83 - 95% of people between the ages of 15 - 26 are sleep deprived. The good news, for me anyway, is that I have narcolepsy. Or at least I'd like to think so. I'm like the 80-year old grandpa at the family reunion who walks in, sits down, and passes out for the next five hours. Or the girl who started drinking at 11 a.m. and is blacked out on your kitchen table by 5. So it's more like a curse than a blessing, but that's beside the point. The real point is that sleep deprivation is causing more harm than you think. Not only does it cause you to spew jumbled and nonsensical sentences in an incredibly half-assed attempt to participate in the conversation that, in reality, took place 75% in your head, it also leaves way for those around you to take embarrassing photos of you sleeping with your eyes half open, and in some cases, videos. I feel so bad for the people that that happens to.

In my recent Pinterest research, I happened upon a post that maps out the regions of our bodies that are being affected by our 100% necessary all-nighters. Apparently, lack of sleep leads to higher levels of anxiety, depression, and an increased risk of developing breast cancer, among other things. I totally buy the part about heightened levels of anxiety, because when I'm tired I am paranoid about everything. At about hour 18 I'm on high alert. Everything is a threat. I have to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds. Every shadow I see is an intruder, or worse, a monster. I eventually lose the will to get up and get ready for bed, so instead I lay in bed, staring at my computer, eyes drying by the millisecond, waiting to die of exhaustion. And that's not good. So after reading this little sleep map, I've decided that I'm going to attempt to increase my HPN (hours per night) by half an hour per week. Starting today. So tonight I'll get a full 45 minutes if my plan goes as anticipated. The Sleep Map

Thursday, July 11, 2013


**Warning: Contains Overdramatic Content**

After I read the first item on the list, I shrieked in horror. After I read the second, I kid you not, I screamed and slammed my computer shut, COMPLETELY involuntarily. THAT, is how horrible this article is. I mean, let's be real, I love healthy food, and working out and all that stuff, but my love for fatty foods and slothing around is equally as strong. This list is possibly the worst thing to ever have come from the minds of the Fitness Magazine "gurus." I didn't get past the first two items on the list because, as you know by now, I just couldn't handle that sort of information at this point in my day, but maybe once I've closed the fridge for the day I'll feel a little more comfortable reading the rest of the list. Thank goodness bagels and frosting weren't on my list of things to eat today. Worst Article Ever

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hidden Treasures :: Kelsey's Kloset, Fulton, MD

Kelsey's Kloset is one of my favorite boutiques in the DMV. They sell new and consigned clothes, accessories, and most importantly, BAGS! They always have an amazing selection of handbags from Michael Kors to Coach, and they're always in tippity top condition because they only buy gently used items. Oh yeah, you can sell your items too! I've been considering doing this for a while, but have yet to commit because I hate the fact that I'd probably get $20 and they'd get like $200... But if you're in a bind and need some quick cash, they'll buy your next to new designer items. I'm not a huge fan of their website (I think they're in the process of updating it), but definitely check them out on Facebook where they always post pics of their new items, and ask for feedback on new inventory. The other day they even had one of those "if this status reaches 70 likes we'll put all of our handbags on sale!!" type of deals.

ALERT! ALERT! GREAT NEWS! I just learned that if Kelsey's Kloset buys your items outright, they'll give you 10-20% on the spot, whereas if you consign your item, you get 40-50% after a 60 day period. More reasons to love KK!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Things People Do Not Understand

How amazing this bag is. It will go with probably 99% of the outfits that you plan on wearing in your life, and it's Michael Kors, so you know it's gonna last. I f-cking LOVEE this bag. I saw it at Marshall's a few weeks ago for only $119!! But when I went back like a week later it was gone... obviously -_- But it's okay, I know we'll meet again Michael Kors Signature Tote

Monday, July 8, 2013

Oh, hello there

You know that old man in old movies who you always meet standing in a library, facing his wall of books, then as the camera pans towards him he turns suddenly, yet slowly, pipe in hand and says, "Oh, hello there?" That was the inspiration behind the title of this post.

This blog is dedicated to two things: Pinterest, and fun stuff. I believe that Pinterest is the best and most underrated social networking site there is. It has so many chic and unique ideas all in one place. It's like an internet mall you don't have to pay for. It's a great source of Pintsperation (Pinterspation??) for everything from dessert, to design, to life in general. Here I'll share my favorite Pinterest recipes, decorating tips, life tips, fashion finds, gift ideas, and some beautiful places I'd love to visit. I'll also post some of my favorite things to do in and around the DMV: places to shop, shop, shop, shop, eat, and visit. Andddd there will be random posts from time to time, you know, things that absolutely MUST be shared as soon as humanly possible with anyone and everyone in cyber space. Or more like the 10 people who read this blog. If I'm even that lucky.