Kelsey's Kloset is one of my favorite boutiques in the DMV. They sell new and consigned clothes, accessories, and most importantly, BAGS! They always have an amazing selection of handbags from Michael Kors to Coach, and they're always in tippity top condition because they only buy gently used items. Oh yeah, you can sell your items too! I've been considering doing this for a while, but have yet to commit because I hate the fact that I'd probably get $20 and they'd get like $200... But if you're in a bind and need some quick cash, they'll buy your next to new designer items. I'm not a huge fan of their website (I think they're in the process of updating it), but definitely check them out on Facebook where they always post pics of their new items, and ask for feedback on new inventory. The other day they even had one of those "if this status reaches 70 likes we'll put all of our handbags on sale!!" type of deals.

ALERT! ALERT! GREAT NEWS! I just learned that if Kelsey's Kloset buys your items outright, they'll give you 10-20% on the spot, whereas if you consign your item, you get 40-50% after a 60 day period. More reasons to love KK!
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